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Tools for a firm Faith Foundation

In our 2000-year history, we’ve had thousands of proclaimed saints (we don’t know how many for sure because we only started keeping an official list in A.D. 933). Of the thousands of saints, 37 are considered “doctors" because their teachings are considered valuable for Catholics of all time periods, not just the time period in which the doctor lived. The timeless teachings of these saints have articulated what we believe in times of controversy, helped succeeding generations of Catholics grow closer to God, and even inspired non-believers
to live a better life.
The saints featured in this book offer great advice on how to believe- and live. This book attempts to help the reader appreciate each saint’s distinctiveness by focusing on one specific life lesson. Each lesson is taken from the saint’s own writings, so we can hear what the saint has to teach us in his/her own voice.
I hope you enjoy this presentation of life lessons from all 37 doctors!
We Catholics have a great guidebook called the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which helps us see everyone as made in the image and likeness of God. This book arranges the Catechism’s teaching on commandments four through ten in a way that highlights an essential aspect of the human condition addressed by each commandment:
Human Authority (Commandment Four: Honor your father and mother)
Human Life (Commandment Five: You shall not kill)
Human Sexuality (Commandment Six: You shall not commit adultery)
Material Goods (Commandment Seven: You shall not steal)
Human Communication (Commandment Eight: You shall not bear false witness)
Human Senses (Commandment Nine: You shall not covet your neighbor’s spouse)
Human Desire (Commandment Ten: You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods)
This book will help give us clearer perspectives on how to love our neighbors as ourselves!

What is Catholic social teaching?
Catholic social teaching is a set of faith-based documents that respond to modern economic and political issues. Its starting point is 1891, with Pope Leo XIII’s letter on fair work relations in industrial Europe, and continues today, with the most recent contribution being Pope Francis’s 2020 letter on international solidarity. Catholic social teaching’s moral guidelines have oriented millions of Catholics on how to best participate in all aspects of society, and it can do the same for you.
In this book, you will find:
the historical contexts and problems that prompted each document;
thirteen principles on how Catholics should approach economic policy; and
how these principles have been articulated in various documents of Catholic social teaching.
This introduction will help you appreciate Catholic social teaching as an instrument to make the world a more just place to live. By the end of it, you’ll have principles to respond to today’s societal challenges in a faith-filled and God-honoring way.
Available in eBook and paperback formats

Welcome to the Bible!
This introduction to the Bible will help you view the bible as one, comprehensible story of God’s love for us.
In it, you will find:
maps, charts, and timelines to situate each book of the bible
summaries and notable quotes to help biblical comprehension
appendices that show the Holy Land and central worship sites throughout key moments in salvation history
By the end of the book, you’ll be able to turn to any section of the Bible and understand how it fits into the larger story of God’s love for us!