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The Bible: Image
The Bible: Work

Understand the bible through daily mass readings. 

During daily mass (Monday-Saturday), we hear two readings from the bible. While the second reading is always from the gospels (the four books that talk about the life of Jesus), the first reading is taken from all the other sections of the bible.

Each week, the 1st reading at daily mass features a specific book of the bible—a certain “chunk” of salvation history. 


Each week, I will give an overview of the 1st readings for the week, for the rest of the 2020 church year (which ends on Saturday, November 28, 2020).  Note: There are some exceptions to the first reading selection, like when we celebrate a solemnity (a special event in the life of Jesus), or a certain saint—in those cases the first reading is meant to go along with the solemnity or the saint.

Daily Readings

May 17 - 22, 2021

Click on the readings for a link to the scripture.

Mon 5/17

Tues 5/18

Wed 5/19

Thurs 5/20

Fri  5/21

Sat 5/22

Video summaries added every Monday or find them on FMNmedia's Facebook and Instagram accounts @FrMatthewNathanMedia

or on YouTube @Fr. Matthew Nathan Media.

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